Agricultural Department
The Agricultural Department is responsible for assessing all commercial agricultural properties, large undeveloped parcels and state land for tax roll purposes. Florida law allows for the assessing of agricultural land on a basis that agricultural land can support. Our department checks the validity of the agricultural operations to make sure that they qualify for the classification as stated by statute. In order to qualify for the classification, all properties are field checked and income and expense statements are required for the agricultural operation. These statements are compared with state averages in the related fields to see if they are consistent with that type of operation. The classification is a privilege and should not be abused.
An Agricultural Classification is a classification of different types of agricultural properties such as timber, pasture, groves, and nurseries. Lands that are classified as agriculture are assessed based on their agricultural value, which is often substantially less than market value, thus making it economically feasible to continue such usage.
More Information about Osceola County Agricultural Lands
Apply for Agricultural Classification